
Welcome to the department of obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing atVinayaka mission’s college of nursing. The department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing works to improve health care for women everywhere, by setting standards for clinical practice, providing nursing students with training and lifelong learning, and advocating for women’s health care worldwide. The department of obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing has developed from an entry-level position to a distinct specialty. Our department deals with Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing,Nursing research, nursing education and management for undergraduate and postgraduate students.


The Philosophy of OBG department is to deliver a evidence based high quality women care and children care service by providing safe and effective care by skilled professionals, delivered in cost effective manner.


The vision of OBG department is to provide excellence in education, which is general towards the preparation of creative caring, competent and dedicated nursing midwifery practitioner to meet the needs of the society issues.


The mission of the obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing department is to enrich the life of women and children by offering most effective nursing education to professionals towards optimizing health of women and children in ever changing health care environment.

The faculty values integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence, constructive, self criticism, continual self-improvement, mutual respect and have a passion to serve with high performance through corporate and clinical governance to achieve best outcomes for everyone.


To develop skills in providing, antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum care to the mother as well as care to the newborn

Identify and manage obstetrical and neonatal emergencies as per protocol.

To incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the areas of research in the field of obstetrical and gynecological nursing


Our department is staunchly committed to our comprehensive nursing education program at all levels, and training of the next generation of leaders in women’s health. The curriculum structured for Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing enables the students to gain knowledge, skill and desirable attitudes in providing nursing care to antenatal, postnatal, newborn and gynaec patients with various illnesses

Teaching Learning Process

The teaching learning experiences for theory and practical are rendered with well qualified teaching faculty integrating advanced educational technologies. The department provides student centered teaching and learning by adopting innovative teaching learning methods like Small Group Learning, Self Learning Module, Context Based Learning, Team based learning,Personalized learning,The Programmed Instruction method, whole brain teaching strategies,Problem based teaching learning methodsand Simulation.


Obstetrics and gynaecological Nursing Lab is available about 900 square feet area and designed with five OSCE stations.The lab has got well equipped with adequate number of international Mannequins & simulators that help to class room teaching with skill learning successfully where students get hands on experience for various procedures are available as per INC norms. Simulation corner and self-learning desk is designed to give students training for basic nursing procedure to advanced procedures like normal delivery, placental delivery, cervical biopsy, colposcopy, newborn resuscitation, umbilical care, breast care, In vitro fertilization (IVF), Embryo transfer, Suturing of Episiotomy and Episiotomy care etc.,Students are given hands on training in the lab before they practice in the actual clinical area.


Nursing research is essential for the development of empirical knowledge that enables nursing students to provide evidence based nursing care in obstetrics and Gynaecological area. Nursing research is vital to the nursing profession and is necessary for continuing advancements that promote quality nursing care. Our department has conducted projects and thesis in several aspects and published in national and international indexed journals.

Conference, Workshop, Seminar Organised by Department

We are organizing international/national/ state conference, workshop, seminars with TNNMC credit hours

Interdisciplinary education for collaborative practice – way to maximize the quality of client care

Current priorities on safe motherhood

Current Scenario for curriculum development in Nursing education

Women’ s Health

Complementary therapies on labour

Gynecological screening and its prevention

Labour practices


Alternative Birth

Current status of maternal and newborn health


Menstrual irregularities



HIV in pregnancy

Innovative technologies in OBG

Role of National and International voluntary organization in supporting family planning.

Newer trends in infertility

Strengthening the WHO partogram

Haematological disorder during pregnancy

High risk pregnancy and its outcome

Intrapartumfetal monitoring

High risk pregnancy and its outcome

Obstetrical emergencies

Alternative birth centre

Prenatal counseling

Obstetric audit

Psychosocial adjustment during puerperium

Policies protocols and standards of OBG unit

Surgical intervention during pregnancy

Evidence based practices for dysmenorrheal problems

Teenage pregnancy and perception of their parents

Research - Thrust area:

Adolescent pregnancy

Antenatal care: Preconception Care, Prevention of anemia

Toxemias of pregnancy

HIV Screening

Domiciliary Care

Complication and obstetric emergency during intranatal period

Complication of the postnatal period: Puperal sepsis,Thrombo-phlebitis,Deep vein Thrombosis,PPH

Best Practices

Extended Activities

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing motivate the students to participate various programmes. Our students were participated in Swachhata Pakahwada programme at government headquarters hospital, cuddalore. Our students were participated in the various programme like Drawing, essay writing competition and rally. The department celebrated the safe motherhood day on “Midwives for mother”. Our students were participated in the various programme like role play on “Teenage pregnancy and Elderly pregnancy” and the food exhibition was focused on the antenatal diet, iron rich diet foods and postnatal diet more than 50 items are displayed and explained the preparation and its importance.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing was organized mass health education on “Antenatal care and Antenatal diet” in Primary Health Centre, Kirumampakkam, Puducherry. The antenatal care, immunization, antenatal exercise, antenatal diet and warning signs of pregnancy were explained to them. B.Sc (N) fourth year students were actively participated in this programme. They have done role play, poster presentation and antenatal diet exhibition. Dr.A.Rajarajeswari, HOD, Dept of OBG, VMCON organized and participated in this programme. Students were appreciated by Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Medical officer, Nursing officers and ANM of Kirumampakkam PHC. Totally 45 pregnant women were participated and benefitted in this programme. B.Sc (N) 55 students & M.Sc (N) 3 students were participated in this mass health education programme.

Recent Activities